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About Alex

Pistolsmith of the Year

1993 Pistolsmith of the Year

Outdoor Writers Association Of America

Patron Member of the NRA

Alex Hamilton and his company TEN-RING PRECISION, INC. build and customize pistols for competitive shooters, including, NRA bullseye, action pistol, police combat, Texas Rangers, Federal Marshals Service, Olympic champions, cowboy action shooters, and any other shooter who needs a handgun built to the highest standards of function and accuracy.

Alex began his professional pistolsmith career in 1968 on the premise of optimum quality and accuracy at the lowest possible price. During the evolution of TEN-RING PRECISION, the focus has always been and will always be, maximizing the accuracy and dependability of custom built handguns, including match grade muzzle loading pistols for which International acclaim has been achieved.

Being a lifelong hunter of both small and large game, Alex has also built every configuration of modern rifle from twenty-two rimfire and seventeen caliber centerfire to 460 Weatherby Magnum. Custom inline and traditional muzzle loading rifles and pistols were built in every bore size from 32 small game guns to 54 caliber elk rifles.

Although Ten-Ring Precision no longer builds muzzle loaders or does rifle work, service work on rifles and pistols built back in the seventies and eighties is still available.

Alex has hunted around the world and bagged everything from a grand slam of four North American wild sheep to African lion and cape buffalo.  Many adventure articles have been written about these hunting escapades. Alex has also written many technical articles for the gunsmithing trade over the past thirty years and is currently the pistolsmithing editor for the American Handgunner Magazine, American Handgunner Annual and the American Pistolsmiths Guild Newsletter.

Alex Hamilton is a Patron member of the National Rifle Association, a member of the American Pistolsmiths Guild (Alex was Secretary and President of the guild for seven years and is currently a consulting secretary and editor of the Guild’s newsletter.), and was voted Pistolsmith of the Year, by the members of the Guild, in 1993.

Ten-Ring Precision, under the name of “TR Coatings,” has sold and applied popular polymer coatings used by the United States firearms industry, the South African military and various other military and police units.  After 35 years in the coatings industry Ten-Ring is phasing that part of the business out, but will continue to manufacturer and sell a fine TR Cleaner Degreaser to the firearms and machine tool industry.

TEN-RING PRECISION, INC. offers the demanding marksmen of today the ultimate in custom pistols and accuracy packages that meet, exceed, and establish the Gold Standards of the custom gun world.

The photo is of Alex, Rush Limbaugh and Alex’s wife Dr. Kathleen Stevens.

 Ten-Ring Precision, Inc.
1449 Blue Crest Lane
San Antonio, Texas 78232

(210) 494-3063 phone
(210) 494-3066 fax email