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19th Century Miniature Canon

62. 19th century miniature canon for salute and noise-making purposes. The tube is cast brass, hand stamped “C. F. Jones, Omaha“, marked on the right side of the breech is “Colombia, 1893.” The tube measures approximately 11 3/4″ and is of heavy construction with an iron mounted latch and breech swivels up to accept a 12 ga. blank shell. The noisemaker is fired by lanyard pull, with a trip-trigger and hammer type a arrangement. The wheels and carriage are case-iron.

Condition: Very good to excellent! These old cannons used “black powder only.” They are meant to be sand-bagged when shooting. This rare, beautiful little curiosity will make a beautiful floor piece in your arms room, but could be made to make a lot of noise on the 4th of July if the proper black powder shells and safety precautions are used. This fine canon is from the famous Robert Peterson collection and carries an estimated value of $1,800.00…$1,500.00.